have you heard the story abouth the man living on a little island, eating coconuts, and bananas, and dreamt about going to the big city, with the fast life and advance in technology??
After a while living in the "advance world"
he high tailed it back to the little island,
too much B.S,
QUESTION?? whats better, fast life, fast pace, high technology, CABLE, MOVIES, CARS, FAST WOMEN, and lIFE, highways, escalaters, high rises, high prices, taxes, robberies, AIDS, STD's, CANCER, WAR, ETC, ETC
Or , sitting on the beach all day, drinking coconut juices, and eating bananas, and think about but what river I'm going to swim in tomorrow, or should I have a banana, grapefruit, peach, coconut, or just do what I did yesterday, laze around, eat fresh fruits and vegetable, go swimming, and bang the chick in the hut another 3 hrs, in the am, then in the afternoon, then at night, then early in the am.